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rehabilitation & physiotherapy


30 min./120 PLN

In GRUDNIEWSCY PHYSIOTHERAPY Center the diagnosis of the patient's condition is made on the basis of the medical history, physical examination and analysis of the additional tests provided by the patient, i.e. X-ray, CT, MRI or ultrasound. Subsequently, spine mobility tests are carried out, as well as a series of functional tests. Depending on the result of the diagnosis, the physiotherapist can offer an individually tailored treatment plan for the patient.


30 min./120 PLN lub 60 min./200 PLN

Specialized massage performed on patients with strained backs, herniated discs, discopathies and spinal degeneration, spinal curvature, sciatica and brachialgia as well as spinal headaches. The treatment starts with a thorough patient diagnosis based on previous history, spine mobility exam and a series of functional tests. Techniques and massage intensity are individually selected depending on the diagnosis. In order to properly warm up and relax the paraspinal muscles and joints the massage is performed on the entire spine.

This procedure’s key element is the use of manual therapy techniques to eliminate the causes of pain and improve the spinal mobility. Restoring spinal health and living without pain is a process that happens over time. Usually the positive effects occur after the first treatment and the subsequent therapy sessions reinforce the positive changes. As part of the above-mentioned treatment process, the physiotherapist may use other physiotherapeutic methods, such as: dry needling, tool therapy according to the patient's condition.


30 min./120 PLN

The massage is done in the lying position on the side, on the distance of whole spine (cervical, lumbar and thoracic). The techniques of the massage are done with moderate intensity and they are adjusted to the current health condition of the patient. The treatment alleviates pain, mainly in the lumbosacral section and improves the mobility of the pelvis (prepares for childbirth). In addition, it relaxes and reduces the tension of antenatal stress, as well as alleviatespain caused by overloading peripheral joints. Before starting the massage it is necessary to present the certificate from gynecologist concerning the lack of contraindication to apply such a massage.


60 min./200 PLN

The aim of the sports massage is to optimize sports performance and to decrease the risk of sports injuries. It can be applied both before and after the competition, as well as between trainings. Depending on the needs we can prepare muscles for the manual effort, unstretch them and support regeneration between trainings burdens as well as we can support the process of micro-injuries treatment. Our physiotherapists have experience in work with people training different sports disciplines such as: martial arts, rugby, football, running or bodybuilding. The massage improves muscles condition, reduces the results of overtraining or it helps to prepare for hard week training. It is also great solution for decreasing and reducing swelling or after training muscles sore.

Sports massage is part of the whole athlete’s training program and should be treated as a training unit – as 1 workout. Due to different needs sports massages are divided into: PRE-START (recommended up to 3 weeks before the competition), START (2 days before the competition, to improve blood circulation) and EXERTIONAL (up to 5 days after the competition), as well as CONDITIONING (so called supportive between seasons, ones every 1,5 – 2 weeks) and TRANING (recommended every 2 weeks for those who do training on regular daily basis). Before the massage it is necessary to fill the list of contraindications (absolute and relative) to perform the procedure.


60 min./200 PLN

This massage is performed on the surface muscles of the body, calming both the nervous and cardiovascular system. The massage is supposed to improve the physical and mental condition of the patient. It aims to reduce pain resulting from muscle tension and is the perfect choice for people who are looking to relax after a hard day full of increased tension and stress. In addition, it stimulates the body and accelerates muscle regeneration, improves tissue nutrition, increases flexibility and elasticity of muscles, relieves pain, activates the blood and lymph flow and speeds up metabolism. In this massage a number of manual techniques such as rubbing, kneading and patting is used. It is recommended to people working sedentary jobs.


5-15 min. (1 aplikacja)/50 PLN

This dynamic taping is the form of physiotherapy based on excellent knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, as well as biomechanics and kinesiology (study of motion). It consists of taping the body with special adhesive plasters that affect the so called soft parts of the musculoskeletal system such as muscles, tendons, fascia, ligaments as well as joints. Taping in accordance to blood and lymph vessel alignment also enhances the cardiovascular system performance, dysfunctions in the cranio-mandibular region and facial nerve palsy. Kinesiotaping relieves pain, eliminates swelling, improves blood circulation and joint function, and elasticizes scars.


45 min./140 PLN

Therapy tailored to suit patient’s individual needs and physical condition. It consists of general development exercises with elements of sensory integration (joint mobility improvement). Treatment involves active forms of physical rehabilitation using equipment such as balls, bands, mats, etc. Training has a positive effect on motor coordination and concentration, improves balance and motor skills.


30 min./120 PLN

This massage of selected body parts reduces visible cellulite, breaks up the fatty tissue and increases tissue blood supply facilitating better skin penetration of slimming products used after the procedure. It is one of the top most effective and well-proven cellulite reducing treatments. For optimal effects we recommend at least a 10 treatment series, but amazing results are already visible after the first treatment.


60 min./200 PLN

Dry needling is a physiotherapeutic method based on the proper placement of special acupuncture needles at specific trigger points. The procedure is performed within the myofascial bands, which are characterized by high sensitivity. Puncture and skillful manipulation of needles directly affects the neuromuscular plate, stimulating the body’s muscle cells to regenerate. Manual trigger point therapy in combination with dry needle is a very effective concept for treating severe pain. Such an integrated plan is successfully used in the treatment of patients with chronic and acute pain. Before performing the procedure, it is necessary for the patient to complete and sign the contraindication card for dry needle therapy. Dry needling supports the heals of dysfunctions in the musculoskeletal system and relaxes and congests the tense anatomical structures on which the procedure is performed (muscle, ligament, fascia etc.)


90 min./250 zł

Kobido massage is a traditional Japanese face massage technique, aimed at improving the appearance of the skin, reducing muscle tone and stimulating blood circulation. It uses special movements and manipulation techniques that affect skin elasticity and the general health of the facial skin. In addition to aesthetic values such as the so -called lifting without a scalpel, it helps to eliminate face swelling and tension in the head, neck, arms and the face itself (including with brussism).